Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Friend Came Dubai For Attend Shopping Festival

Oh! Goodness, how time has smiled on me
and in happiness I have found the place
that I wished for in the love that I loved.
Sing!... Love has congratulated me!
I wish I could say, Oh! Time, bring back again those years,
Because of my happiness with you, my love.
I want to love you again... and again.
We are both living the best years of our love.
Oh! My heart... all the happiness of life lies today in our hands.
Oh! My eyes, my heart, the excess of love is worried... the excess of love of you.
Oh! My night! After days of happiness my singing of you has become more beautiful.
Oh! My love... All lovers that follow have seen the sweetness of our love.
Oh! My life... my life... Time began when my love for you overcame me.
The best days have now come.
This day that I encountered your love.
and if people criticise me, I will always stay with you.
Who could possess my soul after feeling your love.
You who has overcome my whole being.
You are my dearest... you who consumes my consciousness.
I want you... I want you... I will forget the world and remember only you.
We are both living the best years of our love.
They see us everywhere.
They meet us, we the two lovers.
If they see me, one day, alone... they will say we have quarrelled.
How can we quarrel, my love?
Alright, if I quarrel with you.. to whom shall I talk?