Then never would one lover have cried in pain.
Maaool habibi misheet?
Is it possible, my darling, that you have left.
Maaool fakerni niseet?
Is it possible you thought I forgot?
Law albi aal haga,
If my heart said anything,
Men garho alhalak.
He said it because he was hurt.
Dana lama kont baool,
When I use to say something,
Baasood kalami yetool.
I had meant to get a response from you.
Yemken teool haga,
Maybe you would say something,
Asmaha asfalak.
I could have heard it and forgiven you.
Maaool habibi misheet?
Is it possible, my darling, that you have left.
Maaool fakerni niseet?
Is it possible you thought I forgot?
Law albi aal haga,
If my heart said anything,
Men garho alhalak.
He said it because he was hurt.
Dana lama kont baool,
When I use to say something,
Baasood kalami yetool.
I had meant to get a response from you.
Yemken teool haga,
Maybe you would say something,
Asmaha asfalak.
I could have heard it and forgiven you.