The crown of thorns pierced his brow and the cross, he carried on his shoulders.
Tag el shok foq gibeeno wi foq kitfo el salib.
The crown of thorns pierced his brow and the cross, he carried on his shoulders.
Dilwaqti, ya Qods, ibnik zay el Massih, gharib... gharib.
Right now, oh Jerusalem, your son is like Christ, a stranger... a stranger (In his own land).
Tag el shok foq gibeeno wa foq kitfo el salib.
The crown of thorns pierced his brow and the cross he carried on his shoulders.
Khanoo! Khanoo nafs el Yahood!
They betrayed him! These same Jews betrayed him!
Ibnik, ya Qods, zay el Massih lazim ya ood! Alla ardaha...
Your son, oh Jerusalem, just like Christ, must prevail! On it's land...