Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dubai Girl Wear Black Suit At friends Wedding

Counting the nights

Oh, I'm counting the nights.

Ah, baed el layali.
Oh, I'm counting the nights.
Wel ayam men shoqi eleik.
And the days, because of my love for you.
Wallah ezay yehoon aleik
I swear, how can you stand
Kol shei fel boad?
To do anything while we are separated.

Ah, bashtaqlak ya ghali,
Oh, I long for you, oh prcious one.
Enta fein, bandah aleik.
Where are you? I call for you.
Wallah wahashooni kiteer ineik.
I swear, I miss your eyes so much.
Maqool niseet el waad?
Is it possible that you forgot our pact?