Oh, my words... travel around the world from top to bottom.
Ya kilmiti, lifi wa lifi al donia tolha wa aardaha.
Oh, my words... travel around the world from top to bottom.
Wa fatahi aioon el bashar, lilli hassal ala ardaha.
And open the eyes of it's people to what happened on it's land.
Alla ardaha, taba al Massih qadamo...
On it's land, Christ imprinted his footsteps.
Alla ardaha, nazaf el Massih alamo.
On it's land, Jesus felt his pain.
Fil Qods, wa fi el tariq el alam... wa fil Khalil, ranit tarateel el kanais.
In Jerusalem, in the trail of pain and in Hebron, the church bells rang.
Fi al khala, sabah el wigood ingeel.
From the wilderness, the gospel emerged.